[ETS2/ATS] Back Right Camera in GPS v1.1 1.30.x - 1.32.x


Changes v1.1:
- Fixed display in the camera, now instead of the left side of the truck is displayed right.
- The camera works in ATS & ETS 2.

The modification will add a simulation of the right mirror (camera) rear view in GPS.
The camera works with all trucks that have regular built-in GPS.
To turn on the camera, use a few clicks on the F2 key.
Camera replace the Navigator (use the Routh-advizor).

IMPORTANT: If you are using a mod for small rear-view mirrors, then set this mod on the camera a higher priority in order to avoid incorrect operation!
Test version: 1.30, 1.31, 1.32
Installation: move the file from the downloaded archive to: Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod and connect in the mod Manager.


Authors: Piva; Greg (Greg_92)
Adaptation for 1.30, 1.31, 1.32: VITALIY7735


Commented on 2018-09-29 11:05:20

original link: https://modsfire.com/4ul5b7mf8Q23ogh

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