This is a mash-up of 2 of my favorite mods--Bourgault seeder from Jerrico and the 1910 Air Cart from Knagsted--combined into one big green unit. Credits.txt file included with mod serves as a ReadMe also so check it out. Basically, this is a Direct Seeding/Fertilizing air seeder and a No Fertilizer option now that sows all standard fruits + fertilizer. Mod is fully washable except the yellow tanks only have the decals get dirty--rest of air cart and all of seeder get dirty. Must press key ( V ) for seeder to lower and function BEFORE hiring worker or starting Courseplay course. Fully works with Courseplay per my testing. Please let me know if anything needs fixing that you may come across. All credit goes to Knagsted and Jerrico for their wonderful models. I'm simply an editor with little skills or software for anything else. Enjoy!
[b]**NOTE Your game must be updated to version 1.3 for this mod to work properly! Support for mod only available at American Eagles Modding forum! **[/b]
--simplified workArea from 3 to 1- hopefully fixing issue raised by Servant (Thanks for pointing out!)
--scaled tires on air cart to prevent "floating" look--slightly skinnier & taller (Thanks killerrf for idea!)
--altered dirt texture for air cart to be less dirty matching the tanks better-seeder stays the same
--updated store icon
--fixed seeder center frame "skipping" issue-now will sow over all terrain
--fixed missing particle animation in center frame of seeder
--fixed a couple of 'raw texture format' errors-guages now show properly on front of air cart
--fixed fan texture on air cart
--deleted 'seeds2' filltype to correct that error from showing in log
-- Added NO FERTILIZER version so now 2 options packed together
--fixed blinking decal on Air Cart
--moved workarea back a bit into seeder
***NOTE*** If you already downloaded previous version, this version WILL NOT delete an already ingame seeder per my testing as I did not mess with file name or original name of .xml. New non-fertilizer version has new .xml name so you will benefit from minor improvements and have a new seeder available for puchase without fertilizer function without affecting previous download.
Thanks to everyone on AEM forum for helping make this a better mod! Enjoy!

1 Downloads in
9 years ago

Can someone convert this to FS15 Lemken 27 MTS w/ Fertilizer V1.1
What do you call this card
I don't mean to be a stickler but could some one please make a case ih version of this terrific john deere seeder so the community will have one to match those tractors to. thank you and keep up the good work.
Major - There is a case seeder available at;sa=view;down=1149 that is a few meters smaller.
Doesn't show up in the store. I have 1.3
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