In the package 450 skins and 90 cargoes in all 58 companies,
located on the default map and all official DLC.
The mod adds 8 types of trailers to the game:
– from ETS-2: Cement and Food Cistern;
– from ATS: Box, Curtain, Reefer, Reefer3000r, Gas and Acid.
All trailers and skins are included in the traffic.
The package is adapted to patch 1.33.
Version changes:
1. Added 17 skins for Acid and Gas trailers.
2. Added 6 cargoes.
For the Russian version, you will need to download and connect the “Russificator of cargoes” ver.04,
setting it above the mod itself in the Mod Manager
Author skins and build: Omenman
Trailer authors: SCS, Rommi
Many thanks to vovangt4 for helping with registration and adaptation of trailers!
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