ATS BOX 1.48


*Mod base: ATS Box

*Mod: Mack box - requiere ATS Box

*Mod: Cascadia Box - requiere ATS Box

El mod contiene varias variantes de chasis como 4x2 y 6x4

con cabina Day Cab y sleeper 48 solo para el Cascadia por los momentos

se seguira actualizando poco a poco

El mod tambien incluye remolques con dolly

y remolques invisibles

Para encontrar los remolques con dolly se van a Box y en configuracion de doble remolque

tambien hay para del tipo Flatbed

OJO!!! Solo para el uso del remolque invisibles desactivar efectos de ruido del remolque

ya que salen ruidos no deseados  

*Mod: Mack box - requires ATS Box

*Mod: Cascadia Box - requires ATS Box

The mod contains various chassis variants like 4x2 and 6x4

with Day Cab cabin and sleeper 48 only for the Cascadia at the moment

will continue to update little by little

The mod also includes dolly trailers

and invisible trailers

To find the dolly trailers, go to Box and double trailer configuration

there is also for the Flatbed type

EYE!!! Invisible Trailer Use Only Disable Trailer Noise Effects

since unwanted noises come out


Rafael Mogollon ,SCS

Similar modifications

Commented on 2023-08-19 22:18:18

Shadows under truck with box chassis are in wrong place

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Commented on 2023-08-21 18:32:21

Love the mod. I have driven the truck around a bit seems to be a really good truck. The only thing is I can't find any jobs to haul. Are there plans to add jobs in the near future. I know this just a test to see how many people would be interested in the project. Trust me there are more people out there that are interested than anyone thinks.

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Reply comment on 2023-08-21 22:05:54

you need a trailer, there is a mod that you can use called invisible trailer, you can have loads but you cant see the trailer

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Reply comment on 2023-08-22 06:48:16

el mod trae su propio mod de remolques invisibles

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