Doubles and RMD tankers 1.34.x


You must place the ownable_tanker_1.0public above Diesel_DoubleandRMD_trailers.
You can use the scs templet to make skins for both the freight market trailers and the owns you can own.
The ownable trailers have cargo names that differ from the freight market so that the cargos don't over ride one another.


G Force

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

This is not the pack. Some one is using an outdated pack. There will be no updates because the person does not have rights to the mod.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Where can one find the Current Pack? I'd kill (Not Literally lol) to have those Tanker Pups. Ive been wanting and needing an ownable set of those ever since 1.32.

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