ATS V1.33
Mod based on truck from Transformers 4 Movie.
Changelog: (v1.1) by CHKnight
All cab interior animations working
added trailer air anim
added trailer brake anim
moved retarder anim to correct location
fixed int glass reflections
removed clock anim and tex added turbo anim and tex
all new button anim for eng brake, headlights, & high beams
carbon fiber dash panel with 2 looks
overall tweaking of interior textures to provide a more realitic feel
fixed ext and int mirrors
reworked a lot of the def files
trailer cables switched to US standards
fixed some sound files
organized mod folders and textures (Plays freindly to other mods)
fixed dash def issues so compatible with v1.33
new skin
no one cares about 'stolen' mods... It's ALL owned by SCS Software anyway. fuck off with your Stolen links.
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