GPS for Quick Jobs (Helpful in VR) v1.2 - 1.43


Update v1.2:

Updated Image, Removed Version Restriction

Truckers working on Quick Jobs are getting lost!

So the "Quick Job" Trucking Companies are putting a portable GPS navigator into all trucks that do not have a built in GPS.

This mod allows you to close the route advisor GPS while doing Quick Jobs, which can enhance immersion, particularly in VR.

Note, this will NOT affect existing Quick Job Trucks!

Trucks are created when you "take" a Quick Job, and the portable GPS navigator is added at creation time.

Quick Job Trucks updated with portable GPS navigator

Freightliner Cascadia Day Cab

Freightliner Cascadia 48" Sleeper

International 9900i Day Cab

International 9900i 51" Sleeper

International 9900i 72" Sleeper

International LT Day Cab

International LT Hi-Rise Sleeper

Mack Anthem Day Cab

Mack Anthem 48" Sleeper

Post a comment with details if you find a quick job truck without GPS when this mod is enabled. (All quick job trucks should have either a dashboard or portable navigator GPS with this mod enabled.)


Duke Leto

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