K-DOG's Convoy Package unzipme 1.49


The 4 mods needed to drive the ice roads in convoy on my server.

Place the "K-DOG's Convoy Package v1.49 unzipme.zip" zip file into your mod folder.

Unzip there using whatever zip

applcation you are using and use the command: "extract here" or "unzip here"

or whatever the compatable command is.

Remove "K-DOG's Convoy Package v1.49 unzipme.zip" from your mod folder.

Load order is

1. The trucking Co mod

2. 1 to 1 mod

3. diamond mine mod

4. Alaska mod

Join my convoy server "K-DOG's Trucking"

and drive the ice roads with a friend.



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Commented on 2024-03-22 01:16:37

well I am finished with my experiment. My findings are conclusive. This link is now going dead as of the time and date of this comment. Dedicated servers with mods enabled are never used by the public even when the mod access is made easy. The in game process is just not user friendly. Take notice SCS.

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