Final version for 1.44
Happy Trucking
Montana Expansion v1.0.4.2 author: "xRECONLOBSTERx"
route alaska v 1.3 author: "ivm"
CanaDream v2.4 author: "ManiaX"
Coast to Coast v2.12.44 author: "Mantrid"
Island Map 0.2.1 author: "Duckie"
Midwest Expansion v168 author: "Jacemeister"
PMA-C2C PUBLIC author: "GrayBones"
CanaDream and Triangle v2.16.1 author: "Robby Van Calster"
Reforma 2.3.2 Mexico Part author: "Reforma Team"
Sierra Nevada v2.2.40 author: "Reforma Team"
Mega Resources 2.3.2 author: "Reforma"
Reforma C2C Compatibility Patch v.12 author: "Eblem"
Montana Canadream RC author: "xRECONLOBSTERx"
Blending by K-DOG
Hello you k-dog's Listen on the 84th road, it throws between Ontario and the Dalles and when you get closer to the end of the map with a scrol and you move it away, it also throws and when you take the load on the island and press ESC it throws and removes the load
Are you using external contacts by chance
Will a 1.45 update for the map be soon?
Utah Price to Hilo via ferry is crashing. Need fix asap. Thanks!
Starkville map is dead. Always crashes when passing through.
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