K100E Truck and Trailer Add-on Mod v1.0


This is an add-on to Overfloater’s K100E. Please do not bother Overfloater with any problems with this mod, it is not his responsibility to support.

This should be placed with a higher priority than the K100E. Please watch the YouTube video if you have any questions with how to setup the truck or trailer, ATS limitations make things a bit wonky.

This is inspired by many of the old school hay haulers on the west coast, but it can haul any of the default SCS flatbed cargoes.

• 6×4 28ft aluminum flatbed chassis (only for the standard cab)
• 2 axle 28ft aluminum flatbed pup trailer
• Longer set of mudflaps for the trailer.

Truck Mod: https://modsbase.com/foqhpb1yiomn/ats_k100e_of.scs.html

Deezle, Overfloater


Deezle, Overfloater

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

you cannot use workshop K100E for this mod because the airlines icon is not available. use the K100E update only for this mod

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

awesome, love it, only question is this, is there, or will there ever be a day cab version?? because thats all i ever see in ca, nv, ut, az, , thanks, oh will there ever be 352 daycab version? thats i see everywhere with hay all the time, thank you for hard work, love your mods

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

why not use steam workshop instead ?

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