Montana Expansion v0.1.0.6


Shelby I15 interchange re-built, now mirrors real life - custom built rest area added east of Wolf Point -
Williston North Dakota US hwy 2 intersection added -
US 212 from Crow Agency to Rapid City added (road only)
2 farms added on US 2 east of Havre -
Detail added in Great Falls -
3 hills had grades adjusted - a few of the updates -
remember i just started this project just under a month ago, detail will be added you can bet on it -
Also,in the future every interstate interchange will be re-built to mirror real life -

Butte mine near completion (still needs work,but drivable)
passing zones added in multiple locations -
various scene improvments -
fix grass over road @ Great Falls

Terrain issue fix at Wolf Point Oil Storage.

Montana Expansion WIP, expands on the Coast2Coast map mod -
Coast2Coast v2.8.0 required
CanaDream v2.8.11 not required, but works fine together
All SCS DLC's required -
Place Montana Expansion above Coast2Coast and CanaDream -
This is a WIP(work in progress) - I will be updating this map expansion every 2 weeks -
My goal after completion is to expand into Wyoming and the Dakotas.
v0.1.0.4 -
Added 3 new passing lanes east of Great Falls -
Fix collision issue at rail yard in Great Falls -
Various Improvements map wide.




Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

new version coming in minutes, forgot to look for collisions at the new rest area, uploading fixed version in moments, my apoligies

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

new version sent to modhub-

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

been trying to down load but getting message

The file you are trying to download is no longer available.
This could be due to the following reasons:
The file has been removed because of a ToS/AUP violation.
Invalid URL - the link you are trying to access does not exist
The file has been deleted by the user.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

no i removed it because i forgot something right after i uploaded it, i killed the link ASAP and re-uploaded new link

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