Update: 16 Feb
* Changed HR to Buc-ee's
* Changed Bayer food to Nestle
* Changed Radioshack to Sams Club
* Changed N-Hool to U-haul van
* Added Walmart distribution sign
* Added GMC entrance signs
* Added UI loading screens
* Updated 30 boxtrailer skins
* Updated FedEx van
* Updated nightlight files on various totems
* Updated outdated billboards
This mod changes:
* Deliverable SCS-companies to real companies
* SCS company trailers to real company trailers
* SCS fastfoodrestaurants to real restaurants
* Billboards including Las vegas
* Las vegas hotel names
* Airplane liveries
* UPS and Fed-ex stepvans
* SCS shop names to real shop names
* Roadservice signs
* Various small signs, containers and vehicles