Supported version: 1.48
Current prices as of 2023-07-31:
Arizona = 3.999 USD/gal
California = 5.280 USD/gal
Colorado = 3.987 USD/gal
Idaho = 3.908 USD/gal
Montana = 4.126 USD/gal
Nevada = 4.283 USD/gal
New Mexico = 3.981 USD/gal
Oklahoma = 3.706 USD/gal
Oregon = 4.478 USD/gal
Texas = 3.619 USD/gal
Utah = 3.924 USD/gal
Washington = 4.971 USD/gal
Wyoming = 4.162 USD/gal
This mod is currently compatible only with base map and DLCs. Support for mods is planned.
There can be a little difference due to in-game conversion.