The Godfather's Freighter T-Liner Trailer Skins Pack 19
This Trailer Mod Pack has 31 Skins and is for the SWR Customs Mega Pack Freighter T-Liner Trailer and is best used with the 1.45 edition of the trailer Mod that works 100% fine in ATS 1.53x All skins in this pack are copyright owned by The Godfather's Mods Company EST 2021 and holds all rights to the skins in the pack. And repects all the companys and brands used in the pack and is only for entertainment use.
This Mod was Released for American Truck Simulator & Euro Truck Simulator 2 on Wednesday 26th February 2025 by The Godfather's Mods Company EST 2021 & Australia Worldwide Entertainment You Tube Channel EST 2018..
Skins that are in this pack listed below. (in Brackets is the country of where the company location is in real life)
* ATM Transport (Australia)
* Australian Native Landscapes (Australia)
* BA & NA Carnston Bathurst (Australia)
* Bedggood's Transport (Australia)
* Beemaz Transport (Australia)
* Blue Eagle Transport (Australia)
* Cameron Interstate (Australia)
* Carey's Freight Lines (2 Types Of Skins) (Australia)
* CJ & ML Tollner Transport (Australia)
* Compas Transport (Australia)
* Daily Freight Express (New Zealand)
* Davies Tarrawingee Transport (Australia)
* Direct Freight Services (Australia)
* Excision (Australia)
* Freight Lines Limited (New Zealand)
* Hallmark Group (New Zealand)
* Harte Transport Ltd (New Zealand)
* Higgins Transport (Australia)
* Indian Pacific Transport (Australia)
* J&J Dombek And Son Trucking (USA)
* Johnson Trucking Dubbo (Australia)
* Kerden Haulage (Australia)
* Mike's Transport Warehouse (New Zealand)
* Molloy Brothers Transport (Australia)
* Murrell Distuibution Canberra (Australia)
* Muve Logistics (Australia)
* Opzeeland Nationwide Transport & Logistics (New Zealand)
* SLW Transport Pty Ltd (New Zealand)
* SWF South West Freight (Australia)
* TNT Express (Australia)
Come join our Discord Server Today under our you tube channel label Australia Worldwide Entertainment and u will get all the latest Links to new mods we upload to plus links to our latest ATS Gameplay and ETS2 Gameplay with skins on trucks and trailer u wont see anywhere else but on my you tube channel under the same name Australia Worldwide Entrtainment link for the discord server is here Do note its a rule of ours when u do join our discord server to reply to my welcome message u send u within 24 hours of the message fail to do so will lead u to be remove from the server as i only want real people not fakes on the server our team looks over all as well to tell the fakes from reals.. ENJOY THE MOD FOLLOW TRUCKERS!!
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