- standalone
- Car dealership Kenworth
- 3 cabs (changing lights)
- 5 chassis (including BDF and 2 cranes)
- 10 engines
- 12 gearbox
- your sound
- Your own salon (3 options)
- Your skins
- Tuning
- own wheels
Work on 1.35, 1.36
- standalone
- Car dealership Kenworth
- 3 cabs (changing lights)
- 5 chassis (including BDF and 2 cranes)
- 10 engines
- 12 gearbox
- your sound
- Your own salon (3 options)
- Your skins
- Tuning
- own wheels
Work on 1.35, 1.36
Authors: Equalizer, Lacoste36 Corrector: Bo Ezduk, sdonbass18 engines, update & adapted for ATS mods82
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