2021 Ford Bronco v1.0


If your having issues download with External Link as it is the most updated 24/7

V1 includes:

Updated PBR, file repackaging, More realistic weight and drivetrain; cleaned up and unneeded files; real-life configurations; precise handling

IMPORTANT: This is not my original mod. I added updates as the mod was outdated. If you're the author of this mod and want me to take it down, DM me.



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Commented on 2023-03-29 01:53:41

edit mod very broken missing all textures... and wheels do not spawn with truck

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Commented on 2024-02-14 09:28:38

이뭔 병X 같은 일 이냐고!!!!!! 제작자 나와 XXXXXXX!!!!

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