Nascar CarPack v1.0


Nascar CarPack v1.0 for


Warping has been significantly improved

The body has become easier to deform, it is less “bouncy”

Reduced the strength of the front and rear safety cage to allow for more deformation

Adjusted body panel joints (especially at the rear) to improve part separation

Hood straps have been reinforced so they won't fall off in every collision.

Adjusted tire grip level (reduced to realistic)

Improved aerodynamics

Reduced the “self-correcting” force when trying to exit a skid, making it less challenging

Redesigned emissions

Made emissions more realistic

Emissions no longer require extremely high downforce values, which helps to reduce the “self-correction” force

Adjusted engine values

Reduced engine cooling strength

Reduced the power reduction strength of the restrictor plate at low rpm (to reduce the likelihood of stalling)

Slightly increased strength of restrictor plate power reduction at high rpm (reduced top speed)

Small suspension changes

Front wheels are harder to break/bend

Rear suspension may start to break



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