Tofaş Şahi̇n V3.3 0.33


The circle appears slightly crooked and oblique, but overall, it’s not the worst TOFAŞ ŞAHIN car in BeamNG.


57 Configurations

Extensive tuning options

Various wheel choices

Custom sound included

Functional doors and trunk

Things Added In V3.3

New Configurations: 2 new configs (market yellow cover)

New Tires

Thin cheeks

Ultra-thin cheeks

White cheeks

Vitour formula


Thick rubber

Normal tire

Worn tire

Drift tire

New Indicators

Digital display Dogan indicator False indicator Eagle indicator

New Modified Parts

Double Hippoplop RGB lights at the back

RGB speakers inside the doors

RGB LEDs for console lighting

Yellow seat cover

Hawk seats

Market reclining seats

New horns (Godfather Ankara Havası Ayyazmalım)

New Features

Animated wipers (available for windshield and headlights)

Vehicle radio available in all tablet configurations

Display clocks sync with real-time


Restored driver’s camera functionality

Buffers rearranged

Seat textures updated

Headlights and taillights color adjusted

Additional fixes are forthcoming!




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