New Loading Images


This replaces the custom loading images with newer images!

Copy the zzzzzNew Loading Images By Jurriuuh.scs file to your ETS2 Mod map, to go there follow some steps:
Go to 'My Documents' > Open 'Euro Truck Simulator 2' > Open 'mod' and paste the .scs file here

**Published by Jurriuuh**

----- If you love my mods, I'll appriciate if you buy me a beer :) -----

*Bitcoin: 1BzT3Goreobx4ucWzLGWCW1mcCwCweZtVj
*Litecoin: LWaE3Xow668ZjwcjUbSfrsTaqApoBVW6Un

Why should I donate?
Skinning is not for free, I need to pay my computer, software, power and many more.
Your donation makes me possable for me to keep skinning, and make you & I happy!
If everyone who reads this donates €0,50/$0,65, I can still keep on modding!

Current Donations: €0,00/$0,00  (Will update every mod update)
Highest Donations: -
(Please E-mail me after your donation with your name :D)

Contact: > Email:  [email protected]
         > Steam & Origin:  Jurriuuuh

Thanks in advance!



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