It is recommended to wear also mod:
1. Mercedes Real Logo for Jetbus HD By MM
2. Sound For Jetbus HD2 By Gustav Rhan
3. Neon Mod By Furqan Sevke
But if not wear well it was fine anyway hahaha: v
Known Bug:
1. Material Plastic Part in Interior fx not read (not a problem)
2. Fix wiper exterior, can not make the same synchronous body: ‘(
3. Wiper Interior Default Actros
4. Stir Just Right (Only RHD)
5. Flare Strobe old format
klo udah d download pkenya d gmnain thx
cara masukin mod nya gmn?
kalo udah di download di gimanain..?
Ini Mod nya bwat ETS2 Versi berapa?
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