- This mod adds custom sideskirts for the stock Volvo FH4/5/6.
- There are two variants, one for the 4x2 chassis, and one for the 6x2/4 long chassis.
- Currently unavailable for the 6x2/4 short chassis on the FH5/6 (WIP, will probably be released when game version 1.54 stable comes out).
- All parts of the sideskirts are built from the scratch, except the locker handle model, which is borrowed from SCS trailers.
- The sideskirts are paintable and skinnable.
- The sideskirts have slots for marker lights and other accessories.
- The sideskirts are made to align with the chassis covers from the FH tuning pack.
- Tested on 1.53.x (should work fine on newer versions too)
- I cannot guarantee compatibility with other mods, especially ones that change the trucks' chassis, add new chassis models or modify the sideskirt locator in anyway.
- Other mods used in screenshots: BC-Exterior Belka accessory, Boreman LED Marker Lights Pack and SCS wheels REWORK V2.
- Templates are included below.
Accessory names for skinning:
acc_list[]: "sideskirt.azskirt4x2" (4x2 Sideskirt)
acc_list[]: "sideskirt.azskirt6x4" (6x2/4 Long Sideskirt)
Are you planning to make more things for the volvos you are doing a good job
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