DAF XF 105 by Stanley v1.4 – Update + templates


This model is independent. You can buy at DAF
This is a modification of the SCS – DAF XF 105
Two variants of the engine: 560 hp twin turbo E5 and 560 hp twin turbo EEV
Each engine has its own sound
CABINA – Super Space Cab
custom wheels

mod is divided into two parts – a truck and sound

Unpack the archive “DAF XF 105 560 HP by Stanley 1.4.rar” folder (SCS)
Move to Documents Euro Truck Simulator 2 mod

-Fixed all errors [DX9]
-dstraněna own economy
-upravena position of the rear wheels – is already fixed
-Added 5 Tips steering wheel (in Stanley, Vabis old, original SCS)
-Added colored windows deflector + Template
-Interierove light changed to editable and added a blue light

I recommend the old Stanley mods remove and replace 1.4


Stanley, Nelson Silva, SCS Software, 50k

Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

after installing this mod lost the game profile. Version 1,25,1,2 s. Why not specify the version of the mod?

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