DC Knight T800 + American Trailer Combo Skin Pack 02


Hey guys, I reskinned my Knight truck to now fit the new Kenworth T800 V 2.0 beta. Please use the cab in the pic to ensure it all fits correctly. Not all available cabs adjust to my truck skin. The trailer skin in this pack is the same as before. So use THIS pack if you want to run the new T800 v2 beta only. If you are still running the older T800 update v 1.02, then my older Knight pack is still good for that one. This pack contains both the truck and trailer skins as well as the trailer mod itself. You will need to download the truck Kenworth T800 v 2.0 beta separately and enable it along with my skin pack. Tested on 1.17. Enjoy!


T800 Skin & Trailer Skin – David Corley; Trailer Mod – stewowe

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