Deutrans Mercedes NG1631 v1.0


This is a Mercedes NG1631 the Spediton Deutrans (Internato Nale Spediton the GDR)
The truck there at the Volvo dealer ye must he put it together himself has
Original GDR markings and logos.

Credits: Ventures87, Stels, kirill73rus ?, Versetti, DESKPRO, Peerke145,
ExclusiveUA, Kreichbaum, Joe Alker, mr551


Ventures87, Stels, kirill73rus?, Versetti, DESKPRO, Peerke145,
ExclusiveUA, Kreichbaum, Joe Alker, mr551

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

My last version is 2.5 but this .scs is 09/2014 - to same author. I think could be v3.0

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