Economy Tuning by Illar Zuim v1.0


Tested in with ProMods 2.2+Balkans+Paris+Poland Rbl and Real Company v2.4

Some major and minor changes for comfort game:
gps calc time for 70+ km/hrs halfspeed by race
1.5 hrs to deadline best coef. for end delivery
sleep 6 hr
for delivery around 2000 km – salary around 20k eur
credit summ dcr
fines for other car incid. around 3500 eur
drive on red lights 250
motorious AI drivers $)
easy parking: 200xp, hard: 780xp
no one parametrs from env. or truks or phizx or map do not touch
minor other changes

tnx for Collective Minds in threads on forums and SCS
Credits: Illar Zuim


Illar Zuim

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