Ford F-14000 for ATS 1.34.x


Ford F-14000 - Brazilian old truck for ATS.

Buy in Volvo dealer
Have sound
Lot of optional addons
Editable glass
two chassis(4x2 and 6x4)

Update: for ATS 1.34.x.
- Fixed inside wipers (wash rain again).
- Reworked interior
- Blinker and wiper sticks are working
- Added trailer cables for both chassis
- Added Standard ATS licence plates
- Tweaked engine HP (to take some heavier jobs)
- Added two Cummins 275 engines with own sound

Note: tested on actual ATS 1.34. Not tested on open betas.

SousaSG, South Gamer; ATS adaption and rework by vasja555


SousaSG, South Gamer; ATS adaption and rework by vasja555

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Сам себе пальчик не поставишь,дак никто же не поставит.Да mods_ats?Пидор ебаный

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Fake and not good here. Here is the ETS2 Page, Idiot.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

mods_ats, иди отдохни, урод. Круглые сутки сидишь перезаливаешь.

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