Heavy Cargo Transportation Trailers Pack


More than 30 standalone trailer with heavy and super-heavy transport cargo
New transportation and enhanced trailers
Tested on version 1.21
Authors: SCS.soft, Mantrucker, Waggi74, Vovang


SCS.soft, Mantrucker, Waggi74, Vovang

Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

Уважаемая администрация сайта:http://www.modhub.us/прошу вас, вернуть моду:
1. Авторское название: TSM Schwerlastpack for Patch 1.21.x
2. Убрать из авторов: Vovang, он не имеет к этому моду никакого отношения и его не создавал, а взял и беспардонно приписал свой ник.
Правильное авторское название мода:
TSM Schwerlastpack for Patch 1.21.x

-Trailer and Cargos by SCS
-Convert and modification by mAn-TrUcKeR /Waggi74/Truckbäcker/TSM-Team

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10


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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

Dear administration site: http://www.modhub.us/ ask you to return the mode:
1. Author's title: TSM Schwerlastpack for Patch 1.21.x
2. Remove from the authors: Vovang, it has nothing to do fashion irrelevant and did not create, and took and shamelessly attributed his nickname.
The correct name of the author's fashion:
TSM Schwerlastpack for Patch 1.21.x

-Trailer and Cargos by SCS
-Convert and modification by mAn-TrUcKeR /Waggi74/Truckbäcker/TSM-Te

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