Highpipe for Trucks Update v5.2 by Nico2k4


What's new:
- Several bug fixes and minor improvements - mainly for:
-- Volvo's FH16 2012/2013
-- Scania 4 - new highpipes
-- DAF 3600 ATi - now highpipes find in mask_addon not beacon as it was before
-- DAF XF Euro6 - add triple highpipes
- Now support:
-- DAF 95 by Vinzel
-- Mercedes Benz Actros MP2 V8 by Bogdan Kasalap
-- Renault Premium DCI by Ch_Vitalik, Afonya161, vovangt4
-- Volvo FH13 by DomantasLT
- Added choices highpipes with and without the side mirror for:
-- MAN TGA 18 & ERF ECT by Stas556 & dmitry68 (now highpipes find in side mirror not beacon as it was before)
-- Mercedes Antos 1840 by Stas556
-- Renault T beta by Stas556 (mirror from FH16 2012 by SCS)
-- Scania P340 by Schumi
-- Scania R420 by Schumi
-- Volvo F10 by Stas556, dmitry68
-- Volvo FH12 440 by Dadus & others
-- Volvo FH12 440 by Vadik Bezuglyi
-- Volvo FH13 2009 by Hempam Group Iranian (mirror from FH16 2009 by SCS)
-- Volvo FM13 by kirill73rus

Highpipe find in exhaust (left) - for some models in ... (see "info.txt")
Tested on - works fine on older versions.
On 1.17.X version will be working without problems.

Mod supports more than 75 trucks.
More info and full list of supported trucks in "info.txt".


First relase (2013):
Drivter for Highpipe
Roadhunter for adjusted

Next Updates (2014/2015):
abasstreppas for lights
Nico2k4 for all new highpipes (double, triple etc.) - based on Drivter model.
Update model to new format.
All corrections in the model, etc.
All other features introduced in the updates.

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