Hybrid 1&2: Roextended, Rusmap & Promods+ME Road Connection v2.0 1.50


Changelog v2

-Fixing broken roads

-Fixied reported a crash near Sortvala for some missing Rusmpa collision files.

HYBRID 1 - Roextended 4.2 - Rusmap 2.50 - Promods 2.70 ---> ALL interconnected

HYBRID 2 - Roextended 4.2 - Rusmap 2.50 - Promods +Middle-East 2.70 ---> ALL interconnected

Maps from road connection name are MANDATORY to have a FUNCTIONAL road connection

Place this above all map files in mod manager.

If you use AZGE, place it ABOVE THIS FILES

For 1.50.x only


Sergey, Arayas, PM

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