=== Supported trucks
Daf XF 105/106
Mercedes Actros MP3
Scania NG, R/Streamline/RJL
Volvo FH3(2009) / FH4(2012)
=== Parts
### DAF XF 105/106 ###
### Mercedes Actros MP3 ###
hibar (lowroof is none)
sidebar (4x2 only)
### Scania NG R/S ###
2type mini bar (mini, xl)
lobar (mid, low bumpaer)
sidebar (there is no 8x4 chassis)
### Scania r2009 / Streamline / rjl ###
hibar (lowcab is none)
visorbar (lowcab is none)
mini bar
lobar (R4 is none)
sidebar (rjl is none)
### Volvo FH3 / FH4 ###
2type mini bar (low, hi mount)
visorbar (hi. xl cabin)
ledbar (fh3 is none)
lobar (fh3 is none)
ver1.1 (08 Mar): added hibar, visorbar, minibar for Volvo FH3
Русский корабль иди нахуй!
Полуграмотное быдло
Do you have a brain? You have started a war and are attacking civilian objects. True, you don’t see the real situation because the whole world is blocking the aggressor! You can vacation in Baikal or Siberia!
The disgust is back! Get in the ass. First, prove that you are the author.
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