Kronos Telemetry v0.7.1a


Kronos telemetry is a stand-alone telemetry client for android devices. Kronos can pull data from the server (funbit’s and/or AcuSync) and print/render it in real time.
Its written fully in C# .Net 4.x, 60 scripted controllers, thousands lines of code and counting, powerful raw Json parser(by Beta Dynamics and Egersys), Realtime lighting and Post-processing

version 0.7.1a (preview build)
* [Fix] UI misplacement for 18:9 screen ratio
* [Fix] Corrected screen space computation
* [Fix] Properly handle DynamicTextures getting destroyed
* [Fix] Fixed frame rate hitches during Sprites generation
* [ADD]Parsing speed is now manageable (x1/sec, x2/sec, x3/sec, x4/sec)
* [ADD] Lighting shaders and dashboard materials
* [ADD] Game check state (Disabling unnecessary updates/calculations)
* [ADD] New GUI for Skins menu
* [ADD] Freightliner Skin
* [ADD] Renault magnum – Gen2 Skin

version 0.7.1a (hotfix)
* Only 4 skins has been ported (Man TGX [Dark and Light], Renault magnum Gen 2, Freightliner.)
* Only Server 4.0.0 is compatible
* “General” settings will allow to manage the parsing speed (/refresh rate), and Post-Fx activation
* To bring the menu up, Tap and hold “Menu” button and Drag upwards. To hide it. drag downwards.
* Renault Magnum Trip-computer is not implemented.
* crash on loading time may still happen. use fairly new devices for testing (2Gb RAM or more recommended)
* Freightliner skin has really big files (7,2Mb/texture) and may take a while to open.


Weaver1911, M4rc10w, Klauzzy, PauloTNCunha

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

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