Mercedes Benz Travego 15-17 SHD Special Edition v2.0


Special version of the Travego coach has been renewed ! Interior was held ! Driving was developed !

You can buy the Mercedes-Benz galleries . In addition, the traffic pattern around the 17 SHD .

It driving has been developed. The rearview mirror is added. According to a previous version completely regulated coating cabin there is a serious difference. You can use the 15 or 17 SHD model.

2 new camera angle; 3-4 numbered seat and enjoy the ride from the central aisle

Please re- install and deploy . Developers of the connection must be used .

WinRAR Password : specialv2


Cenker Ets2 Convert: Muhammet Şnl Retarder Sound: Yasin Çalım Rearview mirror: Emre Bahrevan

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