Military Cargo Pack V2


Hi there to all and this is my first MOD, I hope it is as good for you as I am finding it for myself.
Credit goes to Jazzycat, AU44 for v1
I have edited this military cargo mod pack to make it better for my own use from it's original form and I like it so much I wish to share. (If this offends anyone then I am truly sorry)
In it's original form you only get the loads from trameri and only delivered to bcp and fcp.
Now you can collect load from bcp, euroacres, eurogoodies, fcp, itcc, sanbuilders, stokes, tradeaux, transinet, tree_et and wgcc.
Now you can deliver to bcp, euroacres, eurogoodies, fcp, itcc, sanbuilders, stokes, tradeaux, transinet, tree_et and wgcc.
I would like to thank the original mod author's Jazzycat, AU44 for work on the original mod. Credits go to them for original work :-)
I have tested with 1.7.1 and 1.7.1s versions and all works fine
I am sorry for the size I have not changed size much at all by editing text files only




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