New Map Sitinjau Lauik V5 - ETS2 1.36 to 1.41


The Sitinjau Lauik V5 map has been completed and officially released. Built and running on ETS2 V 1.36, can also run on ETS2 v 1.37 to 1.41.

Updates for V5 include:

1. Addition of 4 cities, namely Lubuk Basung, Pariaman, Alahan Panjang, and Bayang, including the addition of the phenomenal path of Kelok 44

2. Re-work the terrain texture of the Anai Valley to Sicincin path

3. Re-work the Silaiang Bawah area in Padang Panjang

4. Fixed some bugs in Map Sireview Lauik V4

5. Added and fixed some details

DLC Needed:

DLC France

DLC Italy

DLC North

DLC East

For Map New Update and New Roads 

Watch This Video:


Pria Kurniawan

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