Physics Tweak 1.47


- provides less tire adhesion to the road (reduced compared to SCS by default; the choice of tires is more important);

- changes the form of characteristics of the braking force (I consider the most useful when the “imitation of the air brake” is enabled because the pedal is possible (good control of braking without air release); gradual braking at low speed requires greater pressure on the pedal);

- increases the buildup of the cabin (increases the permissible movement forward and backward) and lengthens vibrations (reduces damping) of the truck cabin during acceleration and braking;

- increases the mass of the truck (regardless of the mass of the chassis). Cabin + driver = 1200 kg, wheel + tire = 127 kg;

- provides an imitation of pneumatic score (increased movement of the cabin camera (driver type).


Eddie Yantz

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