This sound mod was officially brought to you by MrTheFlashBack
Ver 1.0
-All engine sounds replaced with 143m ones in both interior and exterior
-New blinker sounds made
-Gear air and air brake sounds used from V8 scani sound mod.
Changes from ver.1.0 to Ver.2.0
-All engine sounds have been completely re made and r/*+-andom noise removed plus looping is now 100% non clipping.
-All gear air sounds have been replaced with new ones.
-Air brake sounds have been improved from previous version.
-Blinker sounds stayed the same execpt they are a bit louder just be heard a bit better.
-New exhaust sounds were added
-New turbo sound
-New horn sound added
Changes from ver.2.0 to Ver.2.5 (Straight pipes)
-All gear air sounds are replaced with new straight pipe versions.
-New Straight pipe exhaust sounds were added to replace the regular ones.
NOTE this does not work if you have any other scania sound mod activated!
Note 2 this also works with any scani in game, unless they have their own sounds attached or a .def file
that has the truck use some other sounds other than the default ones(i.e the one kamaz made for 50 kedas 2008 scania
- 1 Downloads in
10 years ago
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