Drive with new company trailers of Schmitz Cargobull Curtain Slider around Europe.
Installation Schmitz SC.S Huckepack Alternative Package
1st. Download the original pack
2nd. lay the "Schmitz_Hupa_curtain.scs" and "Schmitz_Hupa_curtain_Storage.scs" in follow direction:
C:\Users\*User*\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mo
3rd. write the file "Schmitz_Hupa_curtain.scs" into ""
4th. open the zip-file and follow "vehicle/trailer_eu/schmitz/scs_uni00"
5th. you can see now the origin' names of game companies
6th. select any few or all from the alternative package - copy and paste, only with okay to overwrite
7th. renamed the file into "Schmitz_Hupa_curtain.scs"
8th. ready to show new trailer designs
Steini (
The logos of companies are remakes from me, it's not permitted and forbidden to use their outside these package:
URANZU Spain, Fixemer Netherand, ATO Netherland, Oldenburger/ Fritom Netherland, Heinz J. Hollenhorst Germany,
Michelin Germany, Thoeni Austria and Haakull Norway
Logo of ThyssenKrupp Liechtenstein taken from Brands of the World, rest is mine!

1 Downloads in
11 years ago

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