Tuned chasis for 50keda's Scania Update V2.0.5 fixed


As quite a few people asked me for this I'll probably be releasing the chasis I currently work on for Axeloff. Just to inform everyone the chasis will have only parts created by me or the ones I got permission to use. Mod will contain ONLY 3 standalone custom chasis 4x2, 6x2 and 6x4 compatible with 50keda's custom sideskirts one small warning though - 6x will use a diferrent template as the original 6x chasis have rear fenders taken from ingame Scania and I replaced them with 50k's ones. Ok after a whole night of fixing, remodelling and testing I finally came up with a 100% working and bugfree version.


-Mod created by GT-Mike and ComandoreOne
-Chasis models reworked: GT-Mike (original by 50keda)
-High quality HD light textures: ComandoreOne
-Prefabs and Textures: SCS Software
-3D Program - Blender with Blender2SCS addon by: 50keda


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