Ukraine Gas Stations v1.2 1.46


The modification replaces the standard filling stations in ETS 2 with Ukrainian filling station networks.

The list includes both large networks (WOG, SOCAR, OKKO, БРСМ-Нафта) and smaller ones (AMIC, Маркет, Кворум, УкрНафта, Авиас, etc.)

Also, the mod replaces some standard tank farms with OKKO, SOCAR, БРСМ-Нафта, WOG tank farms.

Replaced skins for fuel tanks for the respective oil depots, and added skins for the trucks used by the respective companies.

Requires add-ons (DLC) to work:

- Iberia

- Road to the Black Sea

- Beyond the Baltic Sea

- Vive la France!

- Going East!

Changes in 1.1:

-The standard types of fuel on the steles have been replaced with localized ones.

-Added a third type of fuel at large gas stations.

Changes in 1.2:

- Added skins of the BRSM and Socar for their own trailers.

Support for 1.46



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