Ural 43202 convert


Ural 43202 convert and edit by Ekualizer for ETS2 v1.15
This is standalone truck and you can find it in the large truck saloon of Volvo.
Specifications this truck is taken from the original documentation ( engines and gearboxes )
- Capacity 18 tonnes
- Max speed 90 Km/h
- fuel tank 300 l.

available variants:

1. Ural 4320 (6x4 chassis )
2. Ural 43202 ( 6x6 chassis )
3. Ural 8x4 /4
4. Ural 8x8 /4
5. Ural - Polarnik ( Arctic version )
6. Ural - Polarnik - M ( Arctic version )
Ural Polarnik - Project BTC
Original Vehicle Specifications

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GTS, edit: Ekualizer

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