Volvo FH Underworld Skin v1.0


On user request I have the Underworld Skin adapted to the old Volvo FH Globetrotter and also replaced with the Underworld, you can find it under Accessories
Please unpack and move both SCS files into mod folder
I appreciate comments, suggestions and also criticism
The mod can not be uploaded to other sites high without my consent.



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Commented on 2014-09-27 06:32:16

Das ist mein erstellter Skin der ohne Anfrage hier veröffentlich wurde nachdem er bei Modhoster runter geladen wurde.

Ich gebe dir 24 Stunden Zeit meine Mods zu entfernen oder ich werde rechtliche Schritte einleiten

Der Ersteller des Skins Lazarus

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Commented on 2014-09-27 12:07:17

You can not be created skin. He was created by Lazarus. I am a witness. Charge but your own high and give it to dowonload free. Sorry this is a joke. This skin is unique and not meant for everyone.

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