-scaled 20% larger
-Rebuilt using model directly from Driver San Fransisco
-added opening hood
-all new paint and dirt textures with customizable paint template
-added missing trailer attacher type
-readjusted sound profiles
-added 4 wheel drive
-added dynamic mount attacher
-adjusted acceleration and braking to match real world stats as close as the game allows me
-corrected vehicle info for a 2010 model
-added missing schema icons
-fixed incorrectly lit front end
-changed suspension and vehicle weight to make pulling trailers easier and more stable.
-two truck pack for those who want one without the bed hitch.
-tested for mac compatibility
To use paint templates:
1. Unzip folder
2. go into Paintshop folder
1. open template in photoshop or equivelent editor
2. hide dirt layer and select paint layer- paint away!!
3. hide stencil layer and save as bodyclean.dds file (use dxt5 with no mips)
4. show dirt layer and save as bodydirt.dds file
NOTE1: the files for the 5th wheel truck are bodyclean5w.dds and bodydirt5w.dds
NOTE2: keep the original template as is (dont save changes). instead save as a different file so that you can create a different paint
when you get tired of the current one or make changes to current one.

1 Downloads in
11 years ago

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