Case 500 Air Drill w/Fertilizer V1.1
This modification was inspired by....
If your watching his Vogelsberg videos then you know he's using this seeder. If not, check them out, he's really entertaining to watch!
Anyway, I thought it would be cool to add the fertilizer script to it to increase it's capabilities ( I managed to added it to the Lemken 27 MTS with success so why not tempt fate again right?) =)
Plus, you Case IH users need a seeder with fertilizer right? I know the John Deere people have had one for quite sometime so lets even the odds ... lol.
Enjoy ... hope someone finds it useful.
Forgot to mention it's multi-fruit (plants) .... wheat barley rape grass potato maize sugarBeet sunflower soybean sorghum millet oat rye greenwheat triticale dinkel rice carrot onion cotton mohn cucumber tomato erbse pea whitecabbage savoycabbage sugarcane redcabbage mushroom kaffee apfel hops honeymelone grape aubergine wirsingkohl hemp kirsche pflaume erdbeere kohlrabi.
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