Agrarfrost Final Edition v9.5


Welcome to the final version of the map Agrarfrost. The map which completely Call redesigned and many objects and functions werewolf added.
For a complete description and a tutorial to learn the functions and extra activities, read the PDF file in English.
I will present only a few functions and a brief description of the main features of the map.
There are three versions of the map. A normal, other MR and the third, MR + SoilMod.
Make your choice!
It is IMPORTANT did you use synthesis mods and scritps so the map can work properly.
For all versions (Normal, MR, MR + SoilMod)

UniversalProcessKit V 1.1.0
Slurry manure and lime Mod v2.01

Joskin Betimax RDS 7500
Big Water Trailer

manual Ignition 3:06
Bale conveyor belt
Conveyor belt pack
TripleFarming Pack
Bank of Hagenstedt
New Earth Soils & Compost
Map buyable Object
FermentingSilo v1.1.9
Agricultural Fliegerv1.3.4b
MapSiloBand v2.5.2
WoolPaletteCollector v1.3.1
Pig v1.0.3 (pigs)
WaterMod v3.0.1
Mixing station V2.3.6
Oberthal Bacher country trade rebuild v 1.0
Cattle fattening V 1.0 (beefs)
Forgotten Plants V 1.0 Realistic Texture
Slurry manure and lime Mod 2.1.0
Brewery with production V 3.0
New VehicleShop V 1.1
Biogas Plants Pack V 1.0
Chain link fence with sliding gate V 1.0
Workshop shed kit V 1.0 Beta
Scale with statistics function V 3.2.5 For GE
Digital display for silo levels V 3.2.0 For GE
Mean machine hall V 1.0
Country Trade Rebuild V 1.0
ZuckerRaffenerie V 1.0
Billinger country trade LS 13 Ready V 1
Oil-extraction plans v1.0
Water fountain station V 1.2
DDR water tank with water trigger for LS2013
Map buyable Object

I want to make here, highlighted, my sincere thanks to:


Map by Tiago P.
Mods by Marhu (TMT)
FermentingSilo v1.1.9
Agrar Fliegerv1.3.4b
MapSiloBand v2.5.2
WoolPaletteCollector v1.3.1
Schweinemast v1.0.3
WaterMod v3.0.1
MischStation v2.3.6
Forgotten Plants/ Plants Maize V 1.0 Realistic Texture
Originale: GIANTS Software GmbH
Original Baumtextur: Vanilleeis
Original Maistextur: LwFarming
Neue Texturen: Eribus
Sukup grain bin pack (main farm silos)
Model & Texture - ThompsonM06
Developed & released by LazyMod Studios FSD
New VehicleShop V 1.1
Shopdeko von JauchePaule
Sektional-Tore SCRIPTvon Blacky_BPG
Rolltore von matzesft
Modell von Giants
Sollte jemand vergessen worden sein, ist das keine Absicht
Besonderen Dank geht an "ego"
Brauerei Mit Produktion V 3.0
Grundscript von Marhu's MischStation
Biogasanlagen Pack V 1.0
IceBlade, 844Powr™, Deifel GBR
Maschendrahtzaun Mit Schiebetor V 1.0
John Deere 6930 (MapDoorTrigger)
Werkstatthalle Baukasten V 1.0 Beta
John Deere 6930
KundS Modding
RinderMast V 1.0
Waage Mit Statistikfunktion V 3.2.5 Für GE
Marc85 für das Modell der 24 Meter Waage
Eifok-Team dafür das sie mich auf die Idee gebracht haben mit der LS11er Version
Digitalanzeige Für Silofüllstände V 3.2.0 Für GE
Blackburner für das Modell
Mittlere Maschinenhalle V 1.0
Modell: Katsuo
Textur: Katsuo
Ingame: Katsuo
Landhandel Rebuild V 1.0
Marhu - Scripts
HatzFan - Einbau
-Kolbenfresser- - 3D Objekte
ZuckerRaffenerie V 1.0
Danke allen die in der Zusammenstellung des Werkes Teile von sich wiederfinden.
Gruß Trekkerbodo
Silos V 1.0
Billinger Landhandel LS 13 Ready V 1
Anhydrous Tanks - IB055
MachineShed, PoleBarn, Powerlines and Coop - DocElyoc
bigmigmag, workshop equipment - JauchenPaule
NI Modding (some sheds)
TowerSilo_BSCS_03 and tanks of BGA_By_BernieSCS (from the map OGF FSM AUSTRALIEN MAP).
Estrada horizontal, Estrada vertical by map Nelamanowice_v2, edited by Tiago Piloneto.
Register fruits?
Oil-extraction plant by igor29381
WasserBrunnenStation V 1.2
Idee, Umsetzung, Design: Peter Pech
Grundmodelle: GIANTS Software GmbH; Unbekannt(Windrad, Schieberrad); Peter Pech; Marhu(Model Signallamp);sandgroper(fence cable)
UPK-Script: mor2000
DDR Wassertank mit Wassertrigger für LS2013
Idea by PaPa
Design/Modding by PaPa
Textures by PaPa
Ingame by PaPa
Traunsteiner Fahrsilos
Modell: Katsuo
Textur: Katsuo
Ingame: Katsuo
Modell: MorphX
Textur: MorphX
Ingame: fruktor
Script: fruktor
Map Buyable Object

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Commented on 2014-09-02 12:49:11

hi ya
I was wondering if you could tell me where you got the grimme pack 1+ 2 from as I saw in your map. I have been looking for this but could not find it on any farming site. I,v been working on this map for about 6 months and its not easy I,v played all of your maps and this one is so out of this world . I am a farmer by trade and trying to copy my own farm here in the uk . I hope you can help me on this . thank you and happy farming ...pablo

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