Agricultural land XXL v1.0


Welcome to Neverland!

Many years of hard work and you have at hand the money needed to start a new life. You have a modern farm with capacity to produce corn, wheat, barley and canola in the best quality. And Around here, Planned large fields ready to be cultivated.
Agricultural land is Neverland. Here you can find traces of north American, European and farms of any other places. It does not matter. When the fun is the main quest and all that matters, that's just a detail.
With objects drawn from other maps, the credits made, the map comes from my need to make a map for course play. So, do not be crazy to want to do everything yourself! The Entire map what angepasst and Planned. Nothing is in vain.
Initially, the beta testing, I Decided to create two versions, one with high detail fenced fields and one without. So you can choose. In addition, we have two initial versions, and the other Corn Belt, wheat belt.
These versions you only find in XLFarms folder. Look on youtube!
Like all maps did use scripts and extra functions, you need to download the mods Necessary for the proper functioning of the map. Download all of them to not have problems on the map.
The design of the fields follows a pattern where all have to area of 800m X 800m exact totaling 64 Hectares for each plot. It was Planned to use the courseplay and MoreRealistic Mod.
So the map HAS, besides the main farm, three other farms scattered around the map for you to stock YOU production and save your machines.
he vegetation is a bit dry and there is no asphalt. Everything is dirt road. The main fields are Surrounded with fences and roads are crossed by horizontal and vertical.
There is only one place to sell Their products. Prices are kept by MR script. Initially, you start with a good amount of money for buying some fields. The price of the main fields is high. So you need to work hard to get purchase them.

Only the mainfarm Has more enhanced structure as store, fertilizer and seed station, workshop, site for sale of straw bales, level ...
Agricultural Fliegerv1.3.4b
MapSiloBand v2.5.2
Forgotten Plants V 1.0 Realistic Texture
Slurry manure and lime Mod 2.1.0
Chain link fence with sliding gate V 1.0
Scale with statistics function V 3.2.5 For GE
Digital display for silo levels V 3.2.0 For GE
In this map you do not create cows, sheep or chicken.
This map does not have a biogas plant.

I want to make here, highlighted, my sincere thanks to:


Map by Tiago P.

Mods by Marhu (TMT)
FermentingSilo v1.1.9
Agrar Fliegerv1.3.4b
MapSiloBand v2.5.2
WoolPaletteCollector v1.3.1
Schweinemast v1.0.3
WaterMod v3.0.1
MischStation v2.3.6

Forgotten Plants/ Plants Maize V 1.0 Realistic Texture
Originale: GIANTS Software GmbH
Original Baumtextur: Vanilleeis
Original Maistextur: LwFarming
Neue Texturen: Eribus

Sukup grain bin pack (main farm silos)
Model & Texture - ThompsonM06
Developed & released by LazyMod Studios FSD

Besonderen Dank geht an "ego"

Maschendrahtzaun Mit Schiebetor V 1.0
John Deere 6930 (MapDoorTrigger)

Werkstatthalle Baukasten V 1.0 Beta
John Deere 6930
KundS Modding

Waage Mit Statistikfunktion V 3.2.5 Für GE
Marc85 für das Modell der 24 Meter Waage
Eifok-Team dafür das sie mich auf die Idee gebracht haben mit der LS11er Version

Digitalanzeige Für Silofüllstände V 3.2.0 Für GE
Blackburner für das Modell

Mittlere Maschinenhalle V 1.0
Modell: Katsuo
Textur: Katsuo
Ingame: Katsuo

Landhandel Rebuild V 1.0
Marhu - Scripts
HatzFan - Einbau
-Kolbenfresser- - 3D Objekte

Silos V 1.0

Billinger Landhandel LS 13 Ready V 1

Anhydrous Tanks - IB055
MachineShed, PoleBarn, Powerlines and Coop - DocElyoc
bigmigmag, workshop equipment - JauchenPaule
NI Modding (some sheds)
TowerSilo_BSCS_03 and tanks of BGA_By_BernieSCS (from the map OGF FSM AUSTRALIEN MAP).
Estrada horizontal, Estrada vertical by map Nelamanowice_v2, edited by Tiago Piloneto.
Register fruits ?

Oil-extraction plant by igor29381

WasserBrunnenStation V 1.2
Idee, Umsetzung, Design: Peter Pech
Grundmodelle: GIANTS Software GmbH; Unbekannt(Windrad, Schieberrad); Peter Pech; Marhu(Model Signallamp);sandgroper(fence cable)
UPK-Script: mor2000

DDR Wassertank mit Wassertrigger für LS2013
Idea by PaPa
Design/Modding by PaPa
Textures by PaPa
Ingame by PaPa

Traunsteiner Fahrsilos
Modell: Katsuo
Textur: Katsuo
Ingame: Katsuo

Limestone mine (licensed / authorized)
by Nubsi

Verladung am Bahnhof
Gebirgshof: Rohr schwenken
by El Cid

And all the others whose names were not mentioned. Thank you.

Similar modifications

Commented on 2014-10-04 15:07:47

The map in game not working ! you choese the map but he is show "Bad aplication "

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