Am Flussufer v2.0


On Flussufer2013

Version 1d
What was done?
With Libra statistics function V 3.2.0 has been installed .. what I noticed! ..
With the weights from the MASS package FLEXI ModHub the scales Works for me not!
and also a few other mods ..
changed some textures
Who can waive the balance and new textures for the DL is not worth nothing was further changed!

Version 1c
What was done?
Manure and manure mod was involved.
WoolPaletteCollector was inserted
Map Siloband was inserted.
Wash was added
WaterMod was updated to 3.0
New delivery locations have been added.
Rübenfarik (Age Memory I-II) was inserted / unfortunately this had to be a field weggenomme.
Tank triggers have been updated
All lanes were revised
Some houses were replaced for loosening
Soil textures were renewed
Corn texture was revised and updated in the I3d.
PDA has been Updated
and much more.
I hope I have chosen the admission of the building properly.
Oh yeah ...! Pictures I have made a small art gallery,
! Link to image gallery CLICK ME!
In this map:
With Libra statistics function V 3.2.0......../Blacky_BPG
Liquid manure and dung Mod............................. / Marhu
WoolPaletteCollector............................. / Marhu
MapSiloBand........................................ / Marhu
Schweinemastanlage............................ / Marhu
WaterMod v3.0...................................../Marhu
Sugar Factory (Old Store) ................. / Trekkerbodo
Waschplatz......................................... / Matzesft
Ground textures 4.0.............................../ZeFir
Beet Textur........................................ / ZEFIR
Mist - Sale
Manure - Sale
Chopped - Sale
Village bank
No! Standard textures
No Logfehler!
Traffigfahrzeuge and pedestrian
Milk is collected!
Rot, decay: is Off

No other scripts needed are all included! Only the still in the modfolder!
Please remove the ModScripte before start of your modfolder!

To the map!
Logfehler? Are not known to me!
The Map Along the river is a map completely rebuilt and is made xx with the 2.0 patch, needed is!
The idea of this map was created by the Riverside Map of Halycon Media from LS2011 ...
This map is not a replica of 1to1 but with other Objeckten, the location of buildings correspond roughly to the Riverside Map!
This map has the standard LS13 fruit varieties

You can leave the fruit types as follows:
--- Slaughterhouse: Pigs / price is displayed per pig in the PDA!
Country South trade: wheat barley rape maize potatoes beet eggs / still exists a small gas station
North Country Trade: wheat barley rape maize potatoes beet eggs / still exists a small gas station
---------- Port: wheat barley rape maize potatoes turnips
Backfactory ----: wheat barley rape maize
Age Memory I-II (sugar beet factory) sugar beet potato / wheat barley rape maize / straw hay bales
------ Nursery: Grass straw bales manure slurry Hächselgut
------ Spinning: Wool

There are 18 fields for farming!
As usual, you can buy the boxes.
To the field variables: all are exactly matched with the thresher of SFM 770TT
Feldgrösen in HECTARE ..
Field No. 01 ha = 5:05
Field No. 02 ha = 3:02
Field No. 03 = 10.88 acres
Field No. 04 = 2:14 ha / already in possession / with planting / barley / field needs to be fertilized
Field No. 05 = 2.29ha
Field No. 06 ha = 5:24
Field No. 07 ha = 5:08
Field No. 08 = 2:16 ha / already in possession / with planting / wheat and corn / field still needs to be fertilized
Field No. 09 ha = 5:20
Field No. 10 ha = 5:12
Field No. 11 = ha 10:21
Field No. 12 = 2.77 ha / already in possession / with planting / rape / field needs to be fertilized
Field Number 13 = ha 13:50
Field No. 14 = ha 15:09
Field No. 15 ha = 1:20
Field No. 16 = ha 10:00
Field No. 17 ha = 3:50
Field No. 18 = 2.62 ha

To Sell the crap you can also take the little crown Emsland trailer from the feed storage pack!
* If Needed! Pigs transport trailer:
* If Needed! Transport packaging for food storage:
* If Needed! Manure trailer sales:

Milk sell stop: / Prevents the automatic milk sales
Claas Lexion 770 TerraTrac Package:
Placeable pile V2: Since I have no silage pile at feed stores
No mods for Gewähleistung can be given!
Only use original download link!
Only with the original DL link in other forum!
A big thanks to all who made it possible to create the map with the new buildings!
All required mods are listed below:
And now have fun on the field with the map on the river in 2013 :-) @ Funky
Subject to change!
It is not permitted to upload the map again!
This map may not be offered without the express permission ONLY HERE FOR MH!
Please support the campaign against ModKlau!




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