Hello I present to you my American edition of the map by Honclik.
Prohibitions on the editing what not so welcome to download and test.
Hello I present to you my American edition of the map by Honclik.
Prohibitions on the editing what not so welcome to download and test.
Autor: Honclik
Edit: Mystic
This is NOT Honcliks map. This is my map, Modern American Farming Map and is being misrepresented. He has no permission to upload or edit this map in any way and should be taken down at once.
DOCELYOC did an awesome job with this map, I felt bad even modding it for myself, I can't imagine someone just outright claiming it!
How do I get the soybeans and a planter and a harvester help! !!!!
Let him have his old map.....It requires one to make a pass or 2 with a harvester to make clearance for the machine to make the turn.
Also, There is a reason we USA boys buy Caterpillars...They work hard. Plus they have counterweights and will lift anything you have in the game.....up to getting some Mexican run harvester off some fence row that is stuck there.
Thank you and good luck
Gene (71 years old and PROUD)
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