It started with jd6820driver's map Beaver Island, one single island with only three fields and no animals for farming simulator 2011. Later it became 6 islands after my/WM moddings edit. Still FS 2011 and no animals.
Now there is 9 islands with BGA, cows, sheeps and chicken. Also there is 5 sellpoints instead of the only one who was in V.1 and 2.
There is 15 fields, but all of them is quite small. 3 of them is ready planted and another one got straw on it.
One island is compleaty flat so that you can make round bales without having them falling down in the water.
The port is at the north-west island, BGA at the north-east, inn and farm shop is just south to the BGA. The mill selpoint is between the island where the sheepzone is and the island with the farm. Opposite the mill sellpoint there also is the sellpoint for wool.
Alltrough, all sellpoints are marked at the map.
Phones and ATM:s isn't marked on the pda. However you can find phones at the port, spinnery/mill and at the farm shop. The ATM:s can be found at the mill/spinnery, the vehicle shop and the farm shop.
The difference between the older versions and this map is very big. The only thing that is the same is the shape of 4 islands. I decided to keep the name anyway, as I find it a nice name.
The terrain might be a little bad made but I have made my best.
If you find some bad points, please tell me via the support topic or PM.
There will be a V.3.1 with better terrain soon when I have practised a little more on making it soft.
I hope you will enjoy the map!
This map may be freely edited and shared, as long as the credits are right (the same as in the credits box).
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10 years ago
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