Brunzdorf v3.0 Forstmod


Servus LS community,
Here I present you my extended standard map available.
It was rebuilt according to my ideas, the latest and most useful creations of the modders are of course already integrated.
The Forstmod friends can get started right away, there are already precipitable trees set.
I am pleased with anyone who likes to play.

The main mods:
- Weed
- Slurry, manure and lime
- pig
- Cattle fattening
- Water
- Mixing Station
- Food storage
- MapHoseRefStation
- Clover and alfalfa

What has been changed in V 1.0?

- missions
- Port
- Camping
- Golf Course

Added: (Credits)
- Pig V 1.0.3 (Marhu)
- Cattle fattening V 1.0 (Marhu)
- Watermod V 3.0 (Marhu)
- Mixing station V 2.3.4b (Marhu)
- Manure pit (Germany Community Group by martinbigM500)
- Grain Station V 2 (Germany Community Group by martinbigM500)
- Houses Pack v 1.0 (SLJ-agricultural)
- Courtyard and halls Pack v 1.0 (SLJ-AGRICULTURAL)
- Food storage V 1.2 (Frisco)
- Ground Textures V 4 (ZEFIR)
- Tree textures (vanilla ice cream)
- Fruit textures Forgotten Plants V 1.0 (Eribus)
- Scales for maps v 1.0 (Alex2009)
- Chicken Coop v 1.0 (Manu ya)
- Sheepfold v 1.0 (Manu ya)
- Round Ball Hall (Steffen30muc)
- Sky Texture v 1.0 (Deifel GbR, Bumsnudel93)
- Distant Hills mountains for installing v 1.0 (mailman)

- Ready to harvest all 35 fields
- Starting fleet
- A maximum of 10 animals visible (Performance)
- Swaths higher
- Fruits higher
- Slurry and manure texture (Haulm-Layer!)
- New PDA
- Field splitting
- Terrain
- More trees
- Hofaufteilung
- Milk Truck Route
- BGA offset
- Cows at the farm
- Chickens at the farm
- Sheep and Wool sale at the spinning
- Cattle fattening the Court
- Pig at the farm
- ... Lots of little things

New in version 2.0:
- Reduced start-fleet
- 4 Start-fields
- Standard grain silos
- Cereals swamp on the farm, at the mill and at the country store new
- Hay and grass in the feed storage
- Tipping bucket in cattle and pig
- Corn texture for Grünhäckselmod installed (Eribus)
- Clover and alfalfa with swath installed (Treckerjack_TJ1, bgo1973)
- MultiFruitUtil 1.2 (mor2000)
- Slurry manure and lime Mod v 2:01 by TMT (Marhu, piston seizure, HatzFan)
- New mixing station of Marhu with movable tube can also be used for direct feeding
- Section 24 of enlarged
- Conifer Set v 1.7 (Raptor5)
- New roads and abbreviations
- Layers v 1.0 (Treckerjack_TJ1)
- Foliage Layers (El Cid)
- Lime silo (Giants)
- New terrain textures
Inserted forest floor texture -
- Created 3 forest areas
Converts sounds for Patch 2.1 -

New in version 2.1:
- Weed Mod v 2.0 installed by upsidedown
- Created 4 A wooded area near the dairy

Modified dairy and milk truck -
- Exchanged BGA slurry tanks
- Enlarged box 5
- Various terrain changes
- Various minor bug fixes

New in version 3:
- New PDA
- Removed some ways
- Various terrain changes
- Various minor bug fixes
- Income is again (renewed weed_density.grle) normal!

Installed mixing station 2.3.6 -
- Forstmod ready!
- The buildings are from the Forstmod loaded (placeable)
- 1717 trees to saw off already set!

Required Mods:
- Forstmod (Forstmod team)
- PDA Fix v 2.3.2 (Marhu)
- MapHoseRefStation (fruktor, MorphX)
- Slurry manure and lime Mod v 2:01 by TMT (Marhu, piston seizure, HatzFan)

Optional Mods:
- Cattle trailer Pronar Courier 10 v 1.1 for pigs and cattle (FSM team)
- Or HW Cattle Trailer V 3.0 (TSL)
- Multi sprayer herbicide Mod v 2.1 (upside down)
- MultiMowing v 1:01 (upside down)
- Grünhäckselmod v 1.3 (upside down)
- Green manure Mod v 1.0 (upside down)
- Rotting on! Off work with this script: (Patch 2.1 is required!)
- Tested with patch, no Logfehler
- Low-suited PC!
- If has still is an error, please contact via PM!
- Special thanks to the Forstmod team:

Project management: rafftnix
Models: Blackjack, Solanz, fendt2000, Katsuo, FireAndIce, danny_cole, Eicher-fan, Repi, Börndi, 3xitus, Buschi
Textures: Blackjack, Solanz, Katsuo, L4Icce, 3xitus, Repi, FireAndIce, dieKuh, Buschi
Ingame: fruktor, fendt2000, knuta, Börndi, Repi FireAndIce, rafftnix, wohlstandskind, Buschi, Mofi
Script: rafftnix, fruktor
Sounds: Sevorane
Performance: MadMax
Special thanks to: MF390, iMarwin, the Planet User "ponsse"
Have fun playing!


Giants, Hank Moody, weitere siehe Beschreibung

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