Contractors Hagenstedt v2.0 forst


Mod Description: On this map you Obtain a contracting company. You can invest in a forestry operation. At the train station you will find a new sawmill, a wood-fired power plant and a biopower for slurry and manure. At the port McDonalds Is and and a depot. also have a sugar beet factory, a new nursery, a grain merchant and a distillery there.

A Great Forest Forest is located where once was the cow pasture. There are a few medium-sized lawns, which can be easily mowed. The New cow pasture and the new sheep pasture you now find on the new farm. A Wollpalettencollektor is also present, the milk must be taken away yourself, because the truck is no longer abhohlt this. The BGA was Newly built, a traffic light system is also available

On this map Can you WHEAT, BARLEY, CANOLA, CORN GRAINS, SUGAR, POTATOES CARROTS and, ONIONS, OATS, SPELT, RYE, SUNFLOWERS and TRIKITALE grow. With every mod or standard Drescher you can cultivated fruit crops. Your Requires only a corresponding one trailer

THE mr version of this map you erhalltet ausschlieslich on the page:


Brennerei.......................................von ZeFir_POLAND
Halle Neu.......................................von (UNBEKANNTER MODER)
Kiosk.............................................von charly_99
Milchladestation.............................von GE-Mapping
Futterlager....................................von Ganelcer
MT Energie....................................von Stonebracker
Onion & Carottenlager....................von LPG 7oktober
Wassermod....................................von Marhu
Verladesilo 2.0...............................von Sigie85
Waschplatz....................................von matzesft
WoolPaletteCollector.....................von Marhu
altes HofSilo................................von -Kolbenfresser- Cabgelog
Fachwerkunterstand..............................von von Trixi
Kleine offene Schuppen..........................von Philippelp
Digitalanzeige für Silofüllstände...............von Blacky_BPG
Feldverkaustrigger komplett.......................von tackleberry
Bauerngarten zum einbauen..........................von luculus
Bahnhof ...........................................von Abate
Getreidehandel.....................................von devin
McDonalds..........................................von Basti_66
Grüne Brücke.......................................von Mach1--Andy/Beleuchtung von Bauer Jens1 in der Brücke verbaut
Beleuchtung..........................................von Bauer Jens1
Depot.............................................von Csmc-czechoslovakiamodscompany

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